Hope is having the idea that whatever is troubling us will get better. Perhaps not always in the way we want, but somehow it will alleviate our suffering. By having hope, it gives us the strength to cope with whatever adversity that is happening in our life.
Hope can be like a very good friend who is only a phone call away. And when you phone hope you can tell hope all your troubles, concerns and heart sadness and ask hope to help you be strong and able to face the trials you are currently going through. And know that just because you cannot see hope, simply knowing hope is with you is just as powerful. And you can call hope anytime the phone is available 24/7. Ask hope to bring you a way of finding peace with this situation, to bring you comfort. And breathe in the energy of hope, let hope become part of every cell within you and from here on in let hope be part of your life. Look for ways hope is helping you, imagine hope always available to give you a loving hug of hope, and as long as hope comes along for the ride you will have comfort.