Gumball Feelings

Gumball Feelings

Do you notice how your feelings are constantly in flux? No matter how hard we cling onto a feeling it eventually disappears. Sometimes we wake up and feel in a bad mood for no reason. Then someone can visit us who is in good cheer and before we know it, we're laughing with them. Some feelings are strong emotions like anger and physically make us feel tense. Others like love can make us feel wonderful. It's like a gumball machine inside of us with all these feelings waiting to come out.

We could see a dark blue gumball as a feeling of depression, an orange gumball as a feeling of joy, a red one as anger and a green one as peaceful. If we were to put our five cents in the machine and a blue gumball came out and we chewed it, we could recognize and acknowledge that we were feeling a bit down and therefore our behavior would likely reflect that, we wouldn't really feel like doing anything. After acknowledging that we were feeling a little blue we might think of putting our five cents in the machine and taking out an orange one. We could do that by perhaps listening to music; thinking about things you have gratitude for, watching a funny show, going for a walk-in nature.

Think of the colour of your gumball and what behaviour(s) contribute to that colour. What gumball do you want to chew?