Two mice wanted to become spiritual so what did they buy? ……. ‘Holy’ cheese.
Want to Feel Lighter? Try keeping a humour journal.
Because laughter is scientifically proven to be very beneficial for you both physically and mentally it is a practice worth cultivating.
And the good news is if you think you have no sense of humour, humour can be learned.
We have gratitude journals why not create a humour journal? This will train your mind to start focusing on having some laughs during the day, the more the better!
For seven days look for a couple of different situations happening in your life and see if you can see the humour in the situation and write it down in your journal. And you can also look for and keep a joke such as this one, it is so corny and yet I laugh every time I read it. After seven days you may notice yourself laughing more and decide to keep the journal going!