Colours are important to our wellbeing! Experts have found that colour can influence our moods and how we act. For example, if there is lots of red around, you’re more likely to remember negative words, and red tends to make negative emotions more intense.
While green seems to make positive emotions stronger and negative emotions weaker, and helps you hold on to more positive words.
Colour can also affect our eating patterns. The more different the color of the plate from the color of the food that’s on it, the less you’ll serve yourself. In one study, people served themselves about 30% more fettuccini alfredo if they were given white plates instead of red.
Colour can even influence the effectiveness of pills! Studies have found that the colours green and blue are best for sedatives, yellow for anti-depressants, and white for general pain.
Colours meanings vary for us, however in general orange is thought to be the colour of joy and optimism, yellow cheerfulness, red energizing, and green harmonizing.