Take A Worry-Free Day for Your Health!
What about taking a worry-free day? Have you ever done that?
Here’s how it works, pick a day, any day, today could be the perfect day to do it.

Upon awakening, tell yourself today is an official ‘do not worry day’, a complete rest from all worry! Remind yourself it is a day to take a breather from all the worries of the world and your personal worries. It is a day to enjoy, to give thanks, to play, and take a break from the news.

Every time a worry comes up tell the worry “Oh, didn’t you hear, today is a worry-free day, come back tomorrow.” Intentionally let your shoulders and face soften, they don’t need to sneak in and do the worrying for you. Check in with yourself at the end of the day and notice how you feel.

A worry-free day is so good for your mental health you just might make it a habit once a week!